How to apply - How to apply - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Higher Degrees by Research Submit your application Application deadlines You can submit an application for a Higher Submit your 1 Degree by Research at any time. 5 6 Assessment You can apply online, through an authorised representative, or via a print We recommend you apply for undergraduate and postgraduate courses as Candidature application form. early as possible. Application online JCU will assess your application based on Standard application deadline is six weeks prior to course commencement. Complete an Expression − Select ‘Apply International’ and register the documents provided and the course APPLYING ONLINE 1 of Interest (EOI) form as a first time user on JCU’s application selected. You will be advised of any additional Many courses have specific application due dates, so please check the portal using your full legal name as it documentation required. You can submit your application online via our application portal. website for full details. Complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form appears on your passport for a Higher Degree by Research and check your − Prepare electronic copies of your Receive and accept eligibility for the degree you are applying for. documentation as requested on the 7 your offer APPLYING THROUGH AN AUTHORISED JCU website – for example, academic REPRESENTATIVE/AGENT 2 Scholarships transcripts, academic English proficiency If your application is successful then JCU will You may also engage the services of one of JCU’s authorised results, and your advanced standing send your offer by email. representatives/agents. A list is available at: Credit for advanced standing If you are applying for a scholarship, please (credit) application (previous studies) check the application deadlines at: − Please note: Your academic transcripts This will include information on how to accept must be accompanied by the grading your offer, and next steps. POST Assessment If you have completed subjects at another institution, or as part of a scale used at the institution where you 2 different degree at JCU, you may be able to transfer credit to your new Find a potential Research undertook your studies. If your documents TE course. Visit: 3 Supervisor/Advisor are not in English, you must include an GRADUA We will assess your application based upon academic and English entry official translation requirements for your preferred course. You will be advised of any Visit the JCU Research Portfolio to find − If your native language is not English additional documentation required. a potential supervisor, learn about our you need to demonstrate your English collaborations, and explore current research language proficiency, please see page GRADUA topics: 14. Applicants who have successfully completed two years of full-time study TE 3 Receive and accept Submit EOI to your in which the language of instruction your offer 4 potential supervisor was English may satisfy the English POST requirement If your application is successful, you will receive your offer by email. This Submit your completed EOI form for a Higher − Complete all the questions and upload will include information on how to accept your offer, and next steps. Degree by Research to your potential research all your documents. You can save and supervisor(s). continue the application later if you need If your potential supervisor(s) indicates that to they are interested in supervising your research − Submit your application. degree, you then commence the Candidature application process online. 46 | CRICOS Provider Code 00117J CRICOS Provider Code 00117J | 47

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