Practical Learning The JCU Orpheus Island Research Station. Take advantage of our unique tropical location and take part in field trips to put your learning into practice. Field trips Daintree Rainforest Observatory Many JCU subjects include field trips to various locations including The Daintree Rainforest is one of the oldest rainforests in the world. Get hands-on learning at JCU's Aquaculture facility. our very own research stations on Orpheus Island in the Great Barrier It has the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem in Australia and is a Reef and in the Daintree Rainforest. Some of our most popular trips magical landscape with unique biota, including numerous living fossils. include Wooroonooran National Park, Wambiana Station in Western Completely off-grid, the JCU Daintree Rainforest Observatory is the Queensland, JCU’s Orpheus Island Research Station, Three-mile Creek, only field station in Australia operating a rainforest canopy crane and Magnetic Island and Reef HQ. is one of only five long-term ecological monitoring sites in Australia. Facilities include a lecture theatre, indoor and outdoor laboratories and Orpheus Island Research Station accommodation. JCU’s Orpheus Island Research Station is located 125km north of Wambiana Station Townsville. Many subjects include field trips to the Island, which facilities include accommodation for up to 57 guests, wet and dry labs, Wambiana is a fully operational outback cattle station. The Station temperature control room laboratories, and a range of boating, SCUBA contains a range of habitats including woodlands, dense thickets, a river, diving and snorkelling equipment. a lagoon, and areas grazed at different densities. It’s a great place to spot lots of Australian wildlife, including varied macropods (kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies and bettongs), possums, marsupial carnivores, many species of birds and a diverse array of reptiles. Enjoy nature up close and personal on our tropical campuses. Researchers in 'the crane' at the JCU Daintree Rainforest Observatory. 18 | CRICOS Provider Code 00117J CRICOS Provider Code 00117J | 19

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